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Mentoria para Empoderamento e Transformação


teaches you how to use tools from Astrology, Psychology and
Coaching to guide your professional and financial life

"Millionaires don't use Astrology. Billionaires do!"

JP Morgan, famous American financier and billionaire, when asked why he used Astrology to guide his actions in the financial market.

Consultar mapa astral com astrólogo

A Workshop that expands your knowledge and gives back
your control over your financial life

Márcia Fervienza Astrologia

In this Workshop, you will learn

Consultar mapa astral com astrólogo

A Workshop  

Due to the very limited number of places, we will work with EACH PARTICIPANT'S INDIVIDUAL NATAL CHARTS to use real cases and provide tools that are immediately applicable in practice!


Event Structure

8 o'clock

Arrival at the Space and Check-In!


Introductions and Presentations


Presentation of the Brazilian and North American scenario, with analysis of its maps and transits occurring over the next 12-24 months

10:00 am

Presentation of the areas of the natal chart associated with finance, career and profession, as well as the planets associated with these subjects (with the main focus on the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn)

12:00 pm

Lunch break (Not included)


Study of the positioning of planets associated with finance, career and profession (including Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) and their relationships with houses 2, 6 and 10


Case study: analysis of participants' maps, identifying barriers and opportunities related to financial and professional growth


Coffee break - included


Continued analysis of participants' maps, identifying barriers and opportunities related to financial and professional growth


Discussion of Astrology, Psychology and Coaching tools for overcoming barriers and eliminating obstacles to personal and financial success, as well as "How to Use" challenging planets.



Curso formação Astrologia

Why Take the Workshop?

At the end of the Workshop, you will know:

- What to expect in the next 12-24 months with regard to national and international economic trends, as indicated by transits on the maps of Brazil and the United States.

- Which areas and planets in the natal chart relate to values, self-esteem, work, finances, career and profession.

- The main indications of each planet in each of the areas associated with career and finance, as well as their strengths and difficulties.

- What to expect from astrological transits over those areas/planets on the map.

- What are the strengths and weaknesses of YOUR map with regard to career, finances and profession.

- How to use the planets present in each of these areas to bring prosperity to your life.

- What Psychology and Coaching tools can support you on this journey.

Workshop Vs Individual Service


  • Visão geral das tendências dos próximos 12-24 meses no que se refere a política e economia nacional e internacional, segundo indicado pela Astrologia

  • Visão geral do funcionamento das casas e planetas astrológicos associados à carreira, profissão, finanças e valores

  • Estudo do mapa individual com foco em carreira, finanças, valores, profissão, autoestima e ascensão profissional

  • Identificação de crenças limitantes e obstáculos para o sucesso financeiro e profissional, segundo apresentado pelo posicionamento dos planetas nas casas e seus aspectos

  • Estudo de formas positivas de usar os planetas que criam dificuldades associadas a finanças e carreira

  • Aquisição de ferramentas da Psicologia e do Coaching para trabalho sobre as dificuldades apresentadas no mapa individual, segundo permita o contexto do encontro

  • Troca de experiências com outros participantes em um ambiente seguro e de confidencialidade, segundo o desejo do participante

  • Tempo total de trabalho: 8+ horas

Service. Individual

  • Não incluído

  • ​Não incluído, exceto mediante participação em cursos ou aquisição de aulas particulares

  • Estudo do mapa como um todo, focando igualmente em distintas áreas da vida

  • Identificação de crenças limitantes e obstáculos para o sucesso pessoal e profissional em geral

  • Não incluído, exceto através da contratação do serviço de coaching ou de aulas particulares

  • Não incluído, exceto através da contratação do serviço de coaching ou de aulas particulares

  • Não incluído

  • Tempo total de trabalho: 1 hora e meia

Mentoring for Empowerment and Transformation
Astrological sky of the day

investment value: R$ 1,797.00

Para aprender sobre:

  • As tendências econômicas nacionais e internacionais dos próximos 12-24 meses


  • Conceitos intermediários/avançados da Astrologia em relação a autoestima, finanças, carreira e profissão

(Valor: R$ 1.000,00)

  • As fortalezas e debilidades do seu mapa natal no que diz respeito a carreira, finanças e profissão (Valor: R$ 600,00)


  • Como utilizar os planetas para trazer prosperidade para a sua vida (Valor: R$ 1.050,00)


  • Ferramentas da Psicologia e do Coaching para superar obstáculos e crenças limitantes (Valor: R$ 2.280,00)

  • E passar mais de 8 horas em um dia aprendendo com a Márcia (Valor: R$ 2.400,00)

Você pagará somente R$ 1.797,00

Trabalhamos com cartões, boletos e parcelamentos em até 12 vezes!


And there's more...

Márcia Fervienza Astrologia

We will offer, on the same weekend and location, an exclusive Workshop on Relationships!

Those registered for the EMPODERE-$E Workshop will receive an additional exclusive discount to participate in the second Workshop!

The Event Facilitator

Consultar mapa astral com astrólogo

Márcia Fervienza has been an Astrologer and Coach for over 20 years with training in Clinical and School Psychology

Living outside Brazil since 2007, Márcia has a Master's degree in Clinical and School Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Its proposal is to use Astrology, Psychology and Coaching to facilitate self-knowledge, empowerment and transformation!

Céu do dia Astrológico

Common questions

Who is the workshop for?


  • For those who are determined to take control of their financial and professional lives in 2021.

  • For those who want to learn the theory and practice of analyzing areas of the natal chart related to career, profession and finance.

  • For Astrology enthusiasts who are interested in expanding their knowledge.

  • For those who have been waiting for the moment to meet Marcia in person and share the energy and knowledge that only she has! <3



Who is the workshop NOT for?


  • For those who want a magical solution to enrich themselves or resolve deep-rooted psychological issues. The astral map is a guidance and self-knowledge tool that helps us make better decisions and live cycles with more harmony. But the work of change needs to be done by you!



Where : South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, RJ
(Location to be defined)
When : Saturday, August 21, 2021
Time : 08:30 to 18:00
Facilitator : Márcia Fervienza
Coffee break: Included
Lunch: Not included


Sign me up!

O que dizem os clientes sobre
Márcia Fervienza Astrologia

Mentoria para Empoderamento e Transformação


Obrigada, pelo envio!

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+55 (21) 98808-6387

Marcia Fervienza Astrology and Astrotherapy Ltd | CNPJ: 47.221.331/0001-15 | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Deliveries: by appointment

2022 © Marcia Fervienza

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